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Language: English
Type: Textbook

Author: Kunzler Michael (Fr)
Title: The Church’s Liturgy
Original title: Die Liturgie der Kirche
Publishing house: Continuum
Publ. city: London; New York
Publ. year.: 2001
Pages: 512
ISBN: 0-8264-1352-8 ; 0-8264-1353-6
Series no.: 10

I Catabasis: God’s Descent to Man
- A “theological turning point” in liturgical scholarship?
- The problematical concept of “Cult” – or: What is the point of worship at all?
- Liturgy – God’s Work and God’s service for the many
- The visible world as the prerequisite for liturgy
- The Old Testament Catabasis: the divine gift of communion
- The liturgy of Christ the High Priest
- The Spirit, “to bring us the fullness of grace” (Eucharistic Prayer IV)
- Church I: Thze Church as the Place and Bestowal of Grace
- Anamnesis: God’s Descent into Time
- Theosis – The Deification of Man and of the World as the purpose of the divine Catabasis

II Anabasis: Man’s Ascent to God
- Anabasis and its visible Form
- Liturgy and Culture
- The Study of Liturgy and its History
- The Human Body as the Instrument of Liturgical Action
- Speech in the Liturgy
- Music and Song in the Liturgy
- Liturgical Dress
- Things: Material Objects as Vehicles of Anabatic Expression
- Liturgical Space
- The Church II: The Community as Anabatic Reality

III The Celebration of the Eucharist
- The sacrament of sacraments
- A sketch of the history of the Eucharist Celebration
- The variety of forms of the celebration of Mass
- The Opening Parts of the Mass
- The Liturgy of the Word
- The Preparation of the Gifts
- The Great Eucharistic Prayer
- The Communion Part of the Mass

IV The Sacramental Celebrations of the Church
- On the Sacraments as such and their Relationship to the Eucharist as fundamental sacrament
- The Sacraments of Initiation
- The Eucharist as Sacrament outside of Mass
- The Sacrament of Penance
- The Anointing of the Sick
- The Sacrament of Holy Orders
- The Sacrament of Marriage
- Further sacramental celebrations of the Church

V The Hallowing of Time 1: Liturgia Verbi – Liturgy of the Hours and Liturgy of the word
- The Hallowing of Time
- The historical development of the Liturgy of the Hours
- The renewed Liturgy of the Hours and its elements
- The Liturgy of the Hours in the Churches of the East and the Reformation
- Popular Devotions

VI The Sanctification of Time 2: Celebrating the Year of the Lord
- The year of the Lord: The Annual celebration of Christ’s saving Mysteries
- Sunday as the Weekly Passover, the Christian Week and Ember Days
- The Easter Festive Cycle
- The Christmas Cycle
- Feasts of the Lord throughout the Year
- Feasts of Mary and of the Saints

VII Appendices
- Specified Bibliography for the English Edition
- Index of Names and Topics

Introduced: zbigniew (2009-11-12)
Modified: laudem (2010-09-21)